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Solicitor Permits

Those selling, soliciting, or peddling goods or services, not having a permanent location or place of business in Mission, must have a solicitation permit.  The permit requires a background check for each individual who will be soliciting. The check can take up to three business days to complete. The permits cost $10 per person per day.

Those approved must have their permit with them at all times, and be ready to present it if requested.

Soliciting is permitted between 8 AM-8 PM only.

 The application for a solicitor permit can be found here, and should be completed and returned at least ten business days prior to your planned solicitation date(s).

 Questions related to the issuance of solicitor’s permits should be directed to the City Clerk at (913) 676-8355 or


Information for Residents:

The City provides “No Solicitation” signs free of charge that you may display at your home. Signs can be picked up at City Hall during regular business hours.

If a solicitor approaches your home when a “No Solicitation” sign is clearly displayed, outside of the allowed times, or if a solicitor is not able to provide proof of permit, please call Mission Police Dispatch at 913.782.0720 as soon as possible, and provide the name, business or organization and description of the person(s) you saw soliciting.

In accordance with K.S.A 25-2712, the City cannot regulate non-commercial solicitation, which may include political speech, campaigning and religious speech.


City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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