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Paying a Ticket or Fine

If you must appear on a Zoom docket, please click here for the meeting link.

Paying a Ticket

Payments for traffic tickets not requiring a mandatory court appearance can be made in the following ways:


Tickets may be paid online for a nominal fee.

Pay your ticket online.

Please Note: Should you have trouble paying online and do not receive the “Thank you for your payment” message, please contact the Municipal Court at 913.676.8325 to verify your payment has been received before trying to pay again.

Over the Phone or In Person

Please call 913.676.8325 or visit the Court Clerk window at the Police Department.

Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

The Police Department is located at the north end of City Hall (6090 Woodson St.) near the parking lots, through the door marked “Police Department,” not in the main City Hall lobby near the courtroom.

After Hours

Tickets may be paid outside business hours at the drop box located outside the Police Department.

By Mail

The Municipal Court accepts cash, money orders, cashier checks, major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) and personal checks payable to the City of Mission. Mail to:

Municipal Court 6090 Woodson St. Mission, KS 66202


Ticket Continuances

You must call the Municipal Court (913.676.8325) at least one day before your given court date. The Court Clerk is allowed to give you one continuance by telephone.

If another continuance is needed or it is on the court date, you must go before the Judge to request it.


Traffic Ticket Amendments

Court Clerks may process requests for traffic ticket amendments or reduced fines in certain limited cases. To learn more, review the City of Mission Amendment Policy.

Fine/Fee Schedule


Equipment Violations

If you have been issued a summons for certain equipment violations, you are eligible to pay half of the original fine if you correct the problem and bring the vehicle to the Municipal Court before your scheduled court date.

Your equipment violation must fall within one of the three categories:

(1) broken or defective lighting equipment

(2) expired license tags

(3) broken mirrors or broken windshields.

A Police Officer will certify that the violation has been corrected and upon approval you will be eligible to pay half of your original fine, which must be paid at the time of vehicle inspection.

Driving without Insurance

If you had valid insurance for the vehicle you were driving on the date cited and simply didn’t have proof at the time of the stop, email proof (scan or photo of valid insurance card) to before your court date and have the violation dismissed. The insurance coverage will be verified with the State. If you did not have insurance coverage at the time of your citation, you need to obtain coverage for your vehicle and provide proof to the Court at the time of your scheduled Court hearing.

Victim’s Rights

The Victim’s Bill of Rights provides information on certain basic rights and considerations for victims of crime. If you are a victim of a crime and have questions or concerns regarding a pending case in Mission Municipal Court, please contact Court staff at 913.676.8325.

Municipal Court

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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