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Sustainable Business

Johnson County Green Business Program

Receive a free sustainability consultation and certification from the Johnson County Green Business Program. The program is voluntary and designed to reduce daily waste, energy, and water usage.

Commercial Recycling Services

Set up recycling service through a variety of private companies, and on-site commercial glass recycling available through Ripple Glass.

Sustainability Scorecard for Development Projects

The Mission Sustainability Commission advocates for policies and actions that improve the community in the areas of social equity, environmental health, and economic prosperity. The Commission has developed the Sustainability Scorecard that includes a list of criteria that communicate the values of holistic sustainability.

Sustainability Scorecard (pdf)

The Scorecard has proven to be a valuable tool to initiate a dialog about the values of the community as they relate to the built environment. The Sustainability Commission encourages those considering a new development to evaluate the project against the the criteria that are grouped into the categories: streets and transportation, building factors, redevelopment considerations, and how the project or business interacts with the community.

Using the Sustainability Scorecard

Step 1: Self-Scoring

As a project is proposed, the Sustainability Commission encourages the property or business owner to rate his or her own project against the scoring system developed in the Scorecard.

Step 2: Project Presentation

The property or business owner is invited to share details about the project and the initial score at a Sustainability Commission meeting.

Step 3: Verification and Recognition

The Sustainability Commission will verify the project score, and recognize efforts taken to improve the overall sustainability of a project with promotion to the Mission City Council and the public.

City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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