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Communities for All Ages

The City aims to offer top rate service delivery to all who work and live in Mission. That requires good planning as the population changes over time. Demographic changes anticipated in the next 20-30 years will have significant impacts to communities across the country as the Baby Boomer Generation ages and as the Millennial Generation comes of age behind them.

Communities for All Ages Initiative

Mission participates with the KC Communities for All Ages (CFAA) Initiative. The initiative provides technical and peer support for cities tailoring their services to be more inclusive and responsive. The following list includes some examples of changes the City has implemented to be a Community of All Ages:

  • Adding youth member seats on the Parks, Recreation + Tree Commission and the Sustainability Commission.
  • Including a Communities for All Ages section on each agenda item presented to the Governing Body.
  • Including accessible access to refurbished tennis courts at Andersen Park in 2022 and adding wheelchair spectator seating.
  • Adding additional seating to our parks, including picnic tables that accommodates a wheelchair and benches with arm rests that assist in standing.
  • Supporting the creation of the Remodeling for Accessible Homes Guidebook.
  • Improving pedestrian infrastructure such as the replaced sidewalk on 51st Street east of Lamar Ave.
  • Holding a Confident City Cycling class with BikeWalkKC and adding bike lanes on Lamar Avenue through the Safe Routes to Schools program.

Communities for All Ages Program Documents

Learn more about the philosophy of the program with these resources.

Communities for All Ages Recognition Program

The Mid-America Regional Council, the First Suburbs Coalition and the KC Communities for All Ages have developed a recognition program for communities working through the stages of awareness, assessment, implementation to incorporate the Communities for All Ages concepts. Mission achieved the Bronze level recognition in 2015, Silver level recognition in 2016, and the Gold level recognition in 2018. Communities for All Ages Recognition Fact Sheet

City of Mission

6090 Woodson Street
Mission, KS 66202


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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