The City of Mission is currently accepting applications to fill an upcoming vacancy on the Mission City Council for Ward I. This appointment will be for the unexpired term ending December 2027. Ward I Councilmember Trent Boultinghouse recently vacated his Council seat as he and his family moved from Mission. Trent has served the City for the past five years with passion, integrity and a strong focus on serving his constituents and he will be missed. The City is taking applications from interested Ward I residents to be considered for appointment to fill the balance of Trent’s unexpired term.
Ward I Mission residents interested in being appointed to the vacant position of Councilmember should submit a cover letter of interest and resume to:
City Clerk Robyn Fulks, 6090 Woodson Street, Mission, KS 66202 or via email to
To determine what Ward you live in, please use our Ward map here, or read the boundaries description below.
For additional information, please contact City Clerk Robyn Fulks at 913-676-8355.
Ward I Boundaries
Ward One shall consist of the area bounded by the following: Beginning at 51st Street and City limits, proceed north along the easternmost City limit to the northernmost City limit at the County line; west along the northernmost City limit to Lamar Avenue; south on Lamar Avenue to the intersection of Lamar Avenue and Foxridge Drive; southwest and south on Foxridge Drive to the intersection of Foxridge Drive and 51st Street; east on 51st Street to the intersection of 51st Street and Lamar Avenue; south on Lamar Avenue to the intersection of Lamar Avenue and 53rd Street; east on 53rd Street to the intersection of 53rd Street and Reeds Road; north on Reeds Road to the intersection of Reeds Road and 51st Street; east on 51st Street to the point of beginning at the intersection of 51st Street and City limits.